Monday, January 24, 2011

A look at the Year Ahead

January is dragging by and I am already done with it! Usually, I don't mind January and all the dreariness that surrounds it, but this year I am tired of the cold, tired of the gray skies (I did enjoy the sun today though), tired of the snow and tired of the closed in feeling that winter brings. So, I decided today to think about what I am looking forward to this year and make myself a Top 10 List for the year.
  1. Getting our taxes back, because I feel rich for a few days.
  2. My mom coming home from New Zealand, it has been a long 4 1/2 months without her.
  3. The crocuses blooming in my front flower bed and then the daffodils and tulips. Who can feel dreary with flowers bursting through the ground
  4. Keegan turning 15 and getting his learners permit. I really am excited about this, it will be fun to watch him and another milestone in his life.
  5. Women's Conference at BYU (April 28-29). If you haven't gone before you should and if you are going let me know.
  6. School getting out for the summer, I love days at the pool and lake with my kids. I like feeling warm and not wearing shoes!
  7. A surprise vacation with my family to the World's Happiest Place in June. Okay, only a surprise if we can keep it from them, so sHHHHH!
  8. BYU Football Season, because watching a football game with my whole family makes me happy and reminds me of my late father-in-law. I love the tradition of it and I love those fall days in a football stadium.
  9. School staring back up; one in high school, one in middle school and two in elementary. Lets be real, who isn't excited after a long summer off!
  10. Going to Austin, Texas for our anniversary to watch BYU play Texas.
Just thinking of all those things makes me happy and got me a few more minutes closer to February.

Friday, January 21, 2011


The other day I read an article on Mormon Blogs, it was written by a woman who claims to be an atheist, a feminist and someone who is addicted to Mormon Blogs. She sites why she loves to read them and she wonders if their lives are as perfect as they seem. I wonder why some who claims to not believe in God, who thinks women need to work to feel useful and doesn't want kids would be so driven to peak into the lives of these families. I wonder if deep down she is seeking for something more in life than herself.

I myself must admit I read NieNie's blog every day before I get dressed, eat breakfast or send my kids out the door to school. I look forward to her positive outlook on life, when life isn't very kind to her right now. I appreciate her quirky style (okay, quirky to me), her love for photography, I love the way she loves her family, her quickness to point out her own faults and I love the way she loves the Lord.

I have a few things in common with NieNie; I have kids, I am Mormon and I know what I do at home is important. I find that these things fill my life with much joy and laughter. I could post on my blog stressful situations or rough days with the kids, but who wants to be invited to my pity party. I hope those who stop by to see what we are doing enjoy seeing my family grow and change and get a glimpse of who we are and what we love.

I hope that the woman who wrote the article I read finds the joy and happiness her soul is searching for and will embrace it when it comes. I also hope she realizes that most of the Mormon Mommy Bloggers do have bad days, but that they choose to not to share those.

I am sure glad I came upon this article, because it makes me want to blog more on what is happening in our daily I guess I should say I am sorry right may soon learn more about us than you ever wanted too!

Monday, January 10, 2011


These girls are crazy!
Who doesn't love to sing Christmas Carols at the top of their lungs with 15000 other people. It wouldn't be Christmas time without a trip downtown to sing at the Energy Solution Christmas Sing-a-long and a trip to Temple Square. This year we were joined by the Whitworth's (BTW, I love having them back in Utah) and I hope they had as much fun as we did.

Marci and Ellie

If there is a camera Abby and McKinley will find it!

The Wright and Whitworth Crew

Christmas Traditions.

I love Christmas Traditions, I love the way my calendar feels up and all the late nights of family fun. Sometimes I wish we did fun things all the time, but I am sure we would be exhausted and it wouldn't hold the same appeal.


Winder Dairy is always at the top of our to do list, we love the scones and chocolate milk. We love going there because it is what we have been doing for years and years. This year the Whitworth's joined us, find seats for 13 was kind of a joke, but it was fun!